
The Mini Mart Enamel Pin Collection

Created by Toku Arts

All your grocery needs in one convenient place.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Patches 👏
over 1 year ago – Thu, Feb 02, 2023 at 05:55:13 PM

My manufacturer sent me some photos of the approved samples of the patch add-ons. 🫒

Approved Sample "Dumpy" Iron-On Patch
Approved Sample "Emotional Support Garlic" Iron-On Patch

 I think they turned out better than imagined and the colors are perfect (after some much needed sample changes.)👁👄👁

Check out this original sample 🤨🤨 The plain white looked SO wrong. He looks like a little ghost garlic. 🧄

the BEAN
over 1 year ago – Wed, Feb 01, 2023 at 01:39:54 PM

Hi guys!

A little update on The Bean™ pin:

I totally goofed and made the top of the spinner too LORGE. As much as we love a meaty bean, I'm having the factory make me a new (smol) bean for the spinner. 

artwork for the smol bean

*please disregard the colors on the proof -- they are color coded based on Pantones and look hella bad on computer monitors and phone screens.

As you can see in this video from the manufacturer, the original size overlapped the "flick me".  If you're not familiar with how pins are made this is called the embryo. It's what a pin looks like before it's enameled and plated. So far this in the only issue we've had so far and is luckily a relatively quick issue to fix -- a new mold will need to be created for the top pin. This will only set us back a couple days at most :)

Production Beginning 🙌
over 1 year ago – Tue, Jan 24, 2023 at 03:19:10 PM

Heyyyoo 👁👄👁

💃CNY is almost over in a few days which means production will soon begin on the pins -- this process usually takes about a month and a half but I'm anticipating a production time of around two months since the factory was closed for holiday. 

I will share any production photos along the way if they are sent to me. 🐌 In the meantime I'm working on designing the packaging for all of the products -- I will share that as well when completed.

The orders for the patches, stickers, magnets, and the Janitor's Keychain have been placed and will also begin production soon. Usually these items only take a few weeks to complete production so I should have them well before the pins. 🫒

Surveys will be locking February 10th. Please be sure to finalize your order before then. (I still have about 100 backers who haven't filled out their survey. ) This will not affect your address -- you will still have the opportunity to change it if need be anytime up until I begun fulfillment.

If you lost your survey or never got one,  use this link to access it:

 Mini Mart Survey 

If you purchased any additional items through Backerkit, your card will be charged between February 12th and February 14th. 

We also received enough orders to fund the cheese slice 🧀 🙌 So happy you guys love the little guy as much as I do!

Please DM me on Kickstarter if you have any issues with your survey or any questions at all.

over 1 year ago – Wed, Jan 18, 2023 at 05:32:28 PM

Good news 👁👄👁 The back end of survey creation has been finalized so I'm able to send out surveys ahead of schedule!

Preview of the survey homepage

As mentioned before, you'll be able to choose your pins, add more items if you wish, and supply your address. 🍄 Don't worry if you're moving, I'll send out a final call to update your address before shipping out rewards.

PLEASE do your best to fill these out in a timely manner. The quicker I can finalize numbers, the quicker I can get these into production. 🐌 There is a deadline for survey completion -- any surveys filled out AFTER this deadline cannot be guaranteed. Backerkit will send you periodic reminders to fill out your survey to your email to make sure you don't miss this!

I have sent out a smoke test to about 5% of backers to make sure the survey is running smoothly. Once I get a majority of those back and everything looks good I'll email out the rest of the surveys. Keep an eye on your email over the next week 🫒

[Also a quick side note: if you signed up on Kickstarter using Apple's private relay there's a bug that sometimes makes it impossible to access your survey. If you use this service, please send me a Kickstarter DM with an email I can send the survey to.]

Preview of the Backerkit Add-on page

If you have any questions at all or need help with your survey, please send me a DM here on Kickstarter so I can help you out! 

Backerkit Surveys + New Add-ons
over 1 year ago – Tue, Jan 17, 2023 at 04:45:38 PM

Hey my dudes 👁👄👁

🫒I'm wrapping up work on the survey/backerkit add-on shop tonight. I hope to start sending out surveys by Saturday. 🐌 (The backerkit team looks over them to make sure they'll run smoothly before I can send them to you.)🍖 

I've took your guys' suggestions (both here and on insta) into consideration and have decided to include 4 new add-ons in the backerkit shop. You'll be able to preorder these after choosing your kickstarter rewards your survey. 💃

Included are two new magnets and two iron-on patches:

I've also chosen a few existing products from my inventory, these will also be available for purchase in the backerkit shop. 🥕Both the mini pin sets and butter washi will also be slightly discounted. 🧈 These items will have limited quantities and are first come, first serve. 

Finally, I've decided to add an additional "unlockable" Cheese Single pin to the Backerkit store. This will be funded similar to Kickstarter in that it requires a certain amount of pre-orders to be made. If you add this pin to your survey and we do not hit the required funding goal, you will not be charged for it. 😌🤌

I will update soon when the surveys are sent out! Have a wonderful rest of your week everyone 🍄🥦🐌